Monday 14 November 2011

Protecting Medicine and Drugs

The truth about medical industries and the research facilities they have. Raise your voice, decide the right program and vote for it. Voting for the right programs will help to protect the medical industry and drug research.
Protecting medical and drug research may be a funny topic, but do you know how many different studies are being conducted on the effectiveness of new drugs and procedures? Are you aware of the consequences to your health needs of the government interfering with those studies, or of private parties ‘buying’ the research to put a stop to it?
Yes, the medical business is big business. There are billions of dollars exchanging hands every day in the medical field, and some of that money goes into research. However, with research comes risk. Obviously, there is the risk of wasting time following a path that is going to turn out not to help anyone’s health. And there is the risk of harming the health of people who agree to be put into clinical trial situations. But there is also a risk that a major drug manufacturer someplace wants to protect his pocketbook, and in doing so will buy up some medical research done by others that might be leading to a cure. They will do this so as to stop the research. If there’s a cure for cancer, there will be hundreds of billions of dollars a year that no longer flow for the medical treatments that people pay for. Or, if the research looks like it’s promising as a new form of treatment, perhaps they will buy it up to market it themselves, therefore increasing the sales figures every year, and bringing in even more money.
Yes, the drug companies in this country are extremely greedy. I’m sure you all see commercials all the time while watching television. Viagra, sleep aids, birth control… we are inundated by drug company commercials. It’s estimated that one out of every four commercials on television in the US is for a prescription drug of some sort. It is to the point now where I truly feel that some of the ‘diseases’ that they have named recently are made up. Restless Leg Syndrome? Really? I think that’s ridiculous. The drug companies found a pill that can alter some physical discomfiture, something that people have been dealing with for thousands of years, things that are easily taken care of with a proper combination of chiropractic and medical care. They use that to market the pill, and that brings them in bags of money. They don’t care about the health and wellness of individuals, nor do they care about the needs of people who are ill. All they care about is the money flowing in their direction.
I should point out that most drug companies have their own medical research facility, and do make breakthroughs that help people. However, they typically do this to help their pockets more than the people whose health is in their hands. In addition to this, I would like to point out that not all drug companies are as evil as most of the big boys are. There are some who are currently working to find a cure for cancer and AIDS. However, it’s up to the people of this country to do their part to protect the medical industry, and protect their rights to purchase the prescription drugs that will help them, as well as protecting the research that leads to more new drugs and promising medical treatments. The US has a unique power in the world, as the people of this country have more freedom to vote for people, or get people removed from office who don’t want to be beneficial to the common good. If there is too much drug company money going to support a candidate, and you think their opinions may be swayed by that, you have the freedom to vote for someone who is not a puppet for the drug companies. In this way, you can help protect medical research and drug production and distribution in this country. By writing your congressman, you can let your opinions be heard about such important medical concerns as socialized medical and drug research, and you can help protect the health and well being of yourself, your friends, your family, and your countrymen in that way. Socialized medical health care programs are just as bad as welfare, and will cost you thousands a year in extra taxes, but you have the right to decide if that is the right program for you, and vote for it.
Whatever you do, make sure you let your voice be heard. When a vote comes up that affects medical programs and research, don’t trust everyone else to do the right thing. Get out there, vote, and protect the medical industry and drug research!


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